According to data released by National Property Information Centre (NAPIC), in year 2014, the total space available for shopping complexes for the whole Malaysia is 12,997,333 m2, total space occupied is 10,565,228 m2 with Occupancy Rate maintained at above 80% rate.
MainProp.com has added one more column on the table provided, which is the Total Vacant Space in m2 to see how much spaces actually are unoccupied shopping complexes space in the whole Malaysia. It is interesting to see in year 2015, the vacant space is 2,432,105m2. But, how much space is 2.4mil square metres?
If we look at the total lettable space of Sunway Pyramid is about 1,700,000ft2 or 158,000m2, that mean Total Vacant Space of shopping Complexes in Malaysia in year 2014 is equivalent to 15 unit of Sunway Pyramid. In another word, we have 15 units of EMPTY Sunway Pyramid in the whole Malaysia!
As more and more shopping malls coming up in near term, it will be very interesting to see the figure of the unoccupied spaces and occupancy rate for the year 2015 and beyond!
By MainProp.com.
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