In order to give a better picture on what is the actual property demands especially for the residential houses in Seremban, we have made a table as above to illustrate the house demand and population in Seremban.
Base on the statistic from Majlis Perbandaran Seremban and National Property Information Centre (NAPIC), below is our finding:-
Total population in Seremban in year 2010 = 536,147 persons
Total population in Seremban in year 2013 (estimation 3% growth yty) = 568,798 persons
Total existing houses in Seremban in year 2013 = 163,508
Meaning to say, one home in Seremban for every 3.5 persons.
Again, we try to do the same calculation for the whole Malaysia population of 28 million and existing houses of 4.6 million as per year 2013, we found the results of one home for every 6 persons.
The index of 3.5 for Seremban is far lower than Malaysia, and it means the house demand in Seremban is actually not that high as what we always thought! But why the price of residential houses in Seremban has been increased so drastically?
One main reason could be Non-Serembanians who bought the houses! People from Klang-Valley who have been invested to Seremban Properties or have been moving in to Seremban that topping up the population.
If we were allowed to guess: In year 2013, at least 30% of the new houses in Seremban belonged to KL owners!
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